Who is Gutiérrez Capital?

My name is Pedro Gutiérrez, and my interest in finance started when I was 14 years old. Since then, I have spent countless hours of my daily life in front of books, financial reports, and Excel spreadsheets, culminating in my degree in Economics from the University of Málaga (UMA) in Spain.

After that, I moved to Madrid to pursue my dream job as an investment fund analyst. I then completed my master’s degree in Corporate Finance, Private Equity, and M&A at ISBIF Finance School.

Finally, I found my current boss and mentor, who gave me the opportunity to work for him at Nartex Capital. He teaches me daily how to become the best analyst possible. I joined the team on the same day the investment fund launched (December 2021), and since then, we have grown our assets under management from €20 million to over €300 million.

Why Gutiérrez Capital?

Gutiérrez Capital was founded because much of the information available to investors is not relevant to their needs. I decided to create a platform where they can access useful and pertinent information.

My goal with this Substack is to provide the best coverage available on (i) payments, (ii) digital advertising, (iii) cloud computing, and (iv) semiconductors.

This coverage will include writing about relevant news, information, and competition to enhance visibility into (i) business models, (ii) supply chains, (iii) value propositions, (iv) consumer benefits, and (v) the competitive landscape of the various industries I cover.

What´s the Price of Gutiérrez Capital and What Do I Get for it?

Gutiérrez Capital subscribers receive my insights and reporting on the various industries I cover. My goal is to provide you with useful content and analysis that you truly enjoy.

Want some of that excitement in your inbox? Here’s how to get it:

Gutiérrez Capital – Subscribe at the primary level for access to all published content and webinars with the reporting team (€50/month or €180/year).

Gutiérrez Capital Premium - Access to all of the above + ocassional events + quarterly 1 on 1 calls (550€/year).

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Finanzas, Economía e Inversiones


Soy un Quality/Macro Investor. Me gustan las ideas arriesgadas y con mucho potencial de upside. También soy un aficionado a la Economía Austriaca.